Monday, December 15, 2014

This dad will melt your heart

"I think I'm in love."

Dear Friends,

She didn't want to have the abortion, but he did. Although she felt pressure to move forward with the abortion, she chose to visit CPC's pregnancy medical clinic, The Keim Center, before going to the abortion facility.
During the ultrasound exam she was even more convinced she did not want to go through with the abortion. However, she knew he was the one who needed to be convinced. So, she invited her boyfriend into the exam room.
As the little one, already twelve weeks along, came into view, the boyfriend's eyes lifted up towards the ultrasound monitor. The nurse gave him a moment to process what he was looking at and then she asked him, "What do you think?" He responded, "I think I'm in love."

A life saved and two hearts spared from making the wrong decision.

This scene played out just a few days ago at our Keim Center in Norfolk. Although I tear up a bit as I write this letter as If I've never shared a story like this before, the reality is we minister to many couples who have a similar story. So far this year, we know there have been 584 children who were at risk to be aborted but life was chosen for them after their parents visited The Keim Centers and I know there were many more.

I praise God for moving through this ministry and touching the hearts of so many families. Thank you for standing with us and being used by Him to help keep our clinics, resource centers and helpline available to this community. I hope this note encourages you and serves as a reminder that your support of this ministry impacts the lives and hearts of real people ... and many of them.

Merry Christmas to you and your family! We all have much to celebrate. The reflection on the birth of our Savior reminds us that God did not choose death for us either. He chose LIFE by sending His son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who ultimately gave up His life for ours. The best true story ever told.

Blessings to you,  
Toby DeBause signature 2012
Toby DeBause

P.S. Here at year's end, I know a lot of people are looking to give tax-deductible gifts. I hope you will consider further supporting CPC in your year-end giving. We need to raise $107,000 this month in order to meet our budget and keep our ministry operating fully in the New Year. You can donate online at
or by mail at the address below. Donations must be postmarked by December 31st to be credited for 2014. A gift of any amount is needed and much appreciated!

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