Monday, March 17, 2014

Letter from the President

Toby DeBause, President of Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater
Dear friends,

Every picture of a mother and child in the spring/summer newsletter (and all of our materials) are actual clients and babies served by this ministry. These pictures, as cute and happy as they typically look, do not tell all of their stories. What some of these women and families suffer through will break your heart … to say the least.

One woman we served recently (not pictured) shared that her father had threatened to torture her and harm her to the point of killing her unborn child if she did not have an abortion. Such an outrageous statement is hard to believe, but it’s true.

This young woman has since taken the precautions to protect herself from her father and she boldly continues to prepare for the birth of her little one. We are grateful to be a part of her life and help her navigate through this tumultuous situation.

Last year we served 1,746 women, and so far this year we’ve served hundreds more. Although not every woman faces extreme abuse like the one I mention here, every woman we serve is facing her own unique challenges. Jesus loves these women as much as He does their children. Instead of judging them for considering abortion, it’s vital that we take the time to hear their stories and help them navigate toward life-affirming solutions.

I am thankful for the staff, volunteers, churches, LIFEkeepers, fundraising walkers and everyone who supports this ministry. Because of God’s work through you, these women have someone to tell their stories to and get the critical support they need.

With you for LIFE,

Toby DeBause signature

Toby DeBause, President

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