Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's closed.

Toby DeBause, President of Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater
Dear Friends,

On Saturday, an abortion facility closed in South Hampton Roads.
Hillcrest Clinic opened more than 40 years ago, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court decriminalized abortion in 1973.  Since that time there have been thousands upon thousands of children who have lost their lives in that Norfolk location.  Thousands upon thousands of times, motherhood was ripped from the wombs of women who were lost, confused and deceived by a culture that no longer considers human life sacred.

Very few local media outlets are covering this story and those that are have not mentioned the children who died in Hillcrest.  There are no memorials for these children.  Their mothers went into Hillcrest unnoticed except for the few people who stood outside praying for them and their children.  This is a sad reality, but be sure that there was neither one life lost nor one heart broken that escaped the attention of God Almighty.

For more than a decade, the number of abortions skyrocketed to the point where South Hampton Roads was the number one region for abortions performed in Virginia.  However, for the last eight years, the number has plummeted and we just learned there was a record decrease in 2012.  Hillcrest cited the decline in abortions as one of the reasons why they are closing.

More abortion facilities will close when more mothers and children are rescued
.  Let’s continue to intervene and to speak up for the most vulnerable and defenseless in our community.  As we speak up for the least of these, we are speaking up for Jesus Christ as he identifies himself with them.  (Matthew 25:45)  There is no group of people more “less than” children on their way to the abortion clinic.

God is moving!  Light is piercing through this dark culture that embraces death.  I pray it gets brighter.  Abortion will not go away on this side of Christ’s return, but it can continue to diminish as we keep shining the light into the darkness. 
For LIFE with you,
signature of Toby DeBause, President

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